Angus Wilson | Still Life Painting

Great confidence in Color and Design

Still Life – Simplify a subject, and get bold with color

Instructor: Angus Wilson
Media: Acrylic & Oil paint
Dates: TBA

Tuition: $
Class Limit: 16

Materials List <— download

The workshop will focus on simple rules and techniques to create more expressive, colorful paintings. Within the workshop, Angus will primarily guide students through his own distinctive approach to painting. Angus will focus on techniques for breaking free from conventional styles and old habits. Encouraging simple and easy methods to create stunning artwork, opening the students up to more creative confident work. During the workshop, Angus will teach many aspects of painting, with a particular focus on color, simplifying composition, and the power of dynamic ‘underpainting’.

The workshop will be held on ‘still life’ painting, but ideas and methods learned in the class can apply to all painted subjects.

Students will work from photographs of still life arrangements provided, or (if approved) their own subjects. During the workshop, painting exercises will be used as a method for teaching ideas and principles. These will include an approach for – ‘designing & re-imagining color choices’, and ‘creating energetic simplified brushwork’

The workshop will focus primarily on Acrylic, but oil painting is also welcome. If the student wishes to work in another medium, please arrange it directly beforehand.

Additional information on subjects covered in the workshop.

  1. Color planning within a painting (using the power of underpainting and complementary colors) Many ‘traditional’ workshops and teaching gets bogged down in the complexities of color and paint, this isn’t strictly necessary for painting great paintings, find out why.
  2. Freeing up color – methods for adapting the colors in a subject to create a stronger painting.
  3. Getting to know paint – Acrylic, and oil. Ways to approach each medium.
  4. Optionally for interested students, Angus will have a break-out lesson and demo teaching how he uses a computer, (or tablet), to plan a painting and make color choices.
  5. ‘Tricks’ and Training
    • Methods for finding a style that works for you
    • Tricks to knowing a subject before you start painting
    • Which do you do, plan or ‘wing it’?… and why you should try the other one


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