ARTIST SPOTLIGHT — Alan Ross & Ted Orland

We celebrate TWO artists in this feature looking at two photographic icons. The expertise combined between Ted Orland and Alan Ross would make the most sturdy tripod tremble! Coming back for another encore workshop, the combined camera duo will cover all of the photography bases with expertise in film and digital. Both photographers had worked one-on-one as assistants to Ansel Adams. They printed with him in his renowned Carmel Highlands home darkroom and traveled the roads in search of the classic landscape with Ansel, then continuing on to long photographic careers in exhibiting and teaching.


Alan Ross continues to print the Ansel Adams special edition prints that are exclusive only through the Ansel Adams Gallery. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, photographing and teaching workshops abroad.

Ted Orland, author of Art and Fear and The View from the Studio Door is a living legend and pioneer of digital photo work, hand-tinting and multi-media experimentation. You can only imagine that spending time in the presence of these two is something that will also go into your own memoir!

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