ANNOUNCING: 2 New Call For Entry Exhibits

Carmel Visual Arts hosts 2 call-for-entry Fall exhibits. “Grotteschi | Exploring Hieronymus Bosch” for fine art photography — “ATMOSPHERE” for Paintings


First is”Atmosphere” due Sept 1, 2015. In this call-for-entry painting exhibition, artists are invited to use their imagination for creating and submitting works that evoke the idea of “atmosphere” either in relation to the thin veil that surrounds the earth, or in a more subtle use as in the non-visual atmospheres that would be more of a feeling, or a pervading tone or mood of a place that could also be called and atmosphere. INFO HERE



Next we introduce Grotteschi | Exploring Hieronymus Bosch — a  call-for-entry photography exhibit that explores the imagery and concepts depicted by 14th century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch! Enties are due by October 1, 2015. Ted Orland and Carol Henry join up to be co-jurors. INFO HERE

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