Art Class

UPDATE Aug 18, 2020 Carmel Visual Arts Director, Rich Brimer talks about recent changes that have been made due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our 2020 workshop schedule has been a moving target so we have decided to postpone the rest of our scheduled workshops to 2021. Please view our updated workshop list here. We were only able to host 4 out of the scheduled 18 workshops for 2020. I never imagined that we would have to cancel or...

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Painting by Matt Smith Workshop Roster for in 2020 Sean Cheetham | Figure (Studio) | April 2020 Angus Wilson | Still life (Studio) | April 2020 Huihan Liu | Figure (Plein Air) | April  2019 Calvin Liang | Landscape (Plein Air/Studio) | May 2020 Matt Smith | Landscape (Plein Air/Studio) | May 2020 Derek Penix | Still-life (Studio) | August 2020 Tiffanie Mang | Gouache Landscape (Plein Air) | August 2020 Terri Ford | Pastel Landscape...

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We celebrate TWO artists in this feature looking at two photographic icons. The expertise combined between Ted Orland and Alan Ross would make the most sturdy tripod tremble! Coming back for another encore workshop, the combined camera duo will cover all of the photography bases with expertise in film and digital. Both photographers had worked one-on-one as assistants to Ansel Adams. They printed with him in his renowned Carmel...

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In our continued effort to provide quality cultural programing for the local art community, Carmel Visual Arts offers a unique series of monthly painting & photography demonstrations and lectures. World-class instructors will be here to teach multi-day workshops and you can get a unique glimpse into their instruction and painting approach by attending their demos before their workshops. Each evening doors will open by 6:00pm and...

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Announcing: Beginning Drawing Tuesdays 6:00–9pm  10 consecutive weeks Begins September 1, 2015 $450 for 10-week class (includes textbook, sketchbook, pencils, kneaded eraser, pencil holder) Developing the art of observation will be the principal aspect of this drawing class. The way we perceive the world, shapes our worldview and our approach to life. The ability to “see” is one of the most important aspects of creating a drawing. We...

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