
Carmel Visual Arts offer monthly painting demonstrations from today’s leading artists. Each event is open to the public however registration is recommended as space is limited. Your registration includes a reception at 6:30pm with light refreshments. Below is a list of upcoming events for you to choose from. Peter Adams — Still Life Demo — Sunday, July 21, 2019 6:30pm Jim McVicker — Portrait Demo — Sunday, Aug 4, 6:30pm Aaron Schuerr...

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In our continued effort to provide quality cultural programing for the local art community, Carmel Visual Arts offers a unique series of monthly painting & photography demonstrations and lectures. World-class instructors will be here to teach multi-day workshops and you can get a unique glimpse into their instruction and painting approach by attending their demos before their workshops. Each evening doors will open by 6:00pm and...

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Our two back-to-back workshops with the prolifically proficient painter and all around nice-guy Daniel Keys was attended by 16 students the first week and 12 the second. He placed brush-stroke limits on us and joked about how we would paint differently if he was charging $10 for each stroke. Smudging and blending and muddying the paint on the canvas was something that he showed would make weak images. Simple, bold, clean strokes that...

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