Dan Graziano Workshop Suggested Supply List for Painting En Plein Air
Note: Please practice using and setting up your easel BEFORE the workshop. Your workshop time is better spent painting rather than figuring out your easel!
Portable/field easel and palette (French field easel or pochade box with tripod). Recommended types and brands:
- EasyL http://www.artworkessentials.com/products/
- Open Box M http://www.openboxm.com/
- Soltek http://soltekarts.com/
- French easel www.jerrysartarama.com/discount-art-supplies/easels/french-style-easels.htm
- Guerrilla easel http://www.guerrillapainter.com/accessories.html
- Gloucester large format easel http://www.jerrysartarama.com/discount-art-supplies/easels/travel-and-outdoor-easels/beauport-large-format-outdoor-easel.htm
- Strada easel https://www.stradaeasel.com/
Solvent container with clamping lid (I recommend Da Vinci brand or similar)
Small sketch pad w/ pencil or marker
Oil paint
any brand of professional quality paint). Suggested colors (also the colors I use):
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Manganese Blue
- Sap Green
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- Alizarin Crimson
- Cadmium Red
- Cadmium Yellow
- Yellow Ochre
- Titanium White
Unless you are a beginner, you may bring any limited color palette you are comfortable with using.
- I recommend hog bristle brushes over synthetic for oil painting. Bring a mixture of Filberts, Flats, and Rounds in various sizes (4,6,8,10,12) with one sable rigger. I use Robert Simmons Signet brand brushes. Don’t bring worn out brushes.
- You will use 2 to 4 panels per day. Your choice of panel sizes (6×8, 8×10, 9×12) – no larger than 9×12 for this workshop. Please bring panels rather than stretched canvas and avoid panels with too “slick” a surface.
- Cup or container for medium (optional)
- M. Graham’s Walnut Alkyd Medium—a fast drying and non-toxic product, Gamblin Neo Megilp.
- ODORLESS artist quality turpentine (Gamsol or Turpenoid). Do not bring hardware store turpentine – it is not healthy for you or the people around you.
Additional Supplies
- Paper towels and plastic grocery bags for used paper towels
- Painting clothes (please wear clothing that you don’t mind getting a little oil paint on). Dress in layers or bring additional clothes to adjust to weather changes (hot, cold, windy, rainy). Wear NEUTRAL-COLORED tops and jackets – bright colored clothing will reflect on your painting surfaces.
- Wide brimmed hat
- disposable gloves
- wet panel carrier
- plein air umbrella
- bug spray
- sunscreen
- snacks, bag lunch, plenty of bottled water
- baby oil (to get oil paint off your hands)
- spring clamps, bungee cords
Online Web Sites for art supplies and equipment:
- Cheap Joes http://www.cheapjoes.com/
- Dick Blick http://www.dickblick.com/
- Art Supply Warehouse http://www.artsupplywarehouse.com/
- Artwork Essentials http://www.artworkessentials.com/
- Open Box M http://www.openboxm.com/
- Italian Art Store http://www.italianartstore.com/store/index.html
- Jerry’s Artarama http://www.jerrysartarama.com/
- Triangle Coatings (Classic Artist Oils) https://www.tricoatstore.com
- Pearl http://www.pearlpaint.com/
- Artist and Craftsman Supply http://www.artistcraftsman.com/
- Judson’s Art Outfitters http://www.judsonsart.com/
- RayMar Art http://www.raymarart.com/
- SourceTek http://www.canvaspanels.com/
- Guerrilla Painter http://www.guerrillapainter.com/