FotoSága Solstice Exhibit

FotoSága Solstice Photography Exhibit — Summer 2015

Online Purchase Form is below images

Curator Statement

The original FotoSága group is dynamic! Made up of spirited women from several countries, states, ages and professions, it has been a delight to keep inspiring and motivating their independent sides while they become more focused on their photographic pursuits. Our  current group is formed by a 12 year old middle school student, a cowgirl, a singer, a counselor, a model, a marine biologist, a P.E. teacher, a Brooks Institute grad, and a barista among others!

They each are involved in many other activities but have an interest that surpasses most others—these ladies love PHOTOGRAPHY! I say that with a big smile because something as platitudinous as a camera can unite people of all walks of life. However, as you look into the camera lens, our world is being selectively stopped for all time by ‘YOUR’ vision. Then immediately and from that moment on it becomes a universal vision by means of sharing. This FotoSága series began in February with an assignment to photograph the sun, or the effects of the sun over 5 months with this June 21st exhibit in mind. There is a magnificent combination of images in this collection. Everyone explored the deeper meaning of natural light from the source, our giant star, the sun. A few of the images are travel-related captures of sunlight while others are taken right in the backyard. Dida Kutz indoor image of living room shades opens our exhibit. That image is one part abstraction and two parts photographic zone system. Suzanne Dorrance colored glass image is a world apart for its alluring colors and sparkling transmissions of light, but still a part of the household vernacular and still an abstraction of sunlight. Windows allowing light to filter in, backlit plant specimens, sunsets,  dancing bodies alongside bejeweled self-portraits are celebrated here on the year’s longest day!

We would like to share with you the ancient power of the sun. Please take this time to read each persons thoughts on their images. These are just clues to the photographers’ experiences and memories. What are yours? Happy Summer Solstice!

—Carol Henry, curator

To Read the Monterey Herald Story on FotoSága CLICK HERE

Solstice Print Purchase Form

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