FotoSága — Women Photography Gathering


In Norse mythology, Sága is a seeress, the goddess associated with wisdom and poetry. She is the muse for FotoSaga! Our 11 weeks photo sessions will invite 18 devoted women photographers to meet twice monthly to share in the exploration of photographic meaning!

FotoSaga dates are Feb. 12, Feb. 19, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, May 7, May 21, June 4, June 18 and July 3.  Thursday nights, 6-9pm each meeting. 2 hrs of active learning followed by 1 hr of optional critique.

We will meet at Carmel Visual Arts, at The Barnyard in Carmel, CA, upstairs above Carmel Valley Roasting Co.

Cost is $250. and there is room for 18 women photographers!

Please contact Carol Henry at to register.


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