Holly Roberts Photo Magic

The Perfect Union: Photography and Paint Collage

Holly Roberts Workshop

Holly Roberts Workshop

Instructor: Holly Roberts workshop
Medium: Photography and Paint Collage
Course Meets: Feb 14–18, 2017 (Tue–Sat)
Class times: 9am to 4pm
Class limit: 15 students

Tuition: $750 (+$25 materials fee due at class)
Level: All Levels

In this Holly Roberts workshop, we will be combining photography and photo-based processes with different materials to build unique mixed media works. Students will work with transfers, water-based paints and adhesives, laser and inkjet prints, and any found or made material that they would like to incorporate into their collages. Working with collaged/layered images, we can directly and quickly involve ourselves in the process of image-making, which gives us immediate feedback and allows us to proceed with our process, at the same time recognizing and identifying those issues that are causing us trouble. By painting expressively, students will be accessing their most immediate and direct link to their creative self, and by understanding how the different media work together, will be able to understand what process works best in finding each student’s own creative voice. We will cover transfers (DASS, direct paper, and contact paper), gluing techniques, painting techniques, surfaces, supports, media compatibility, layering of different materials, and will use acrylic paints

Media & Techniques: Materials will include but not be limited to paint, photographic imagery, found objects, organic objects, recycled art (both personal and not), text, found images, three dimensional objects….anything that we can get into the studio and get to work on.

Below is a short look into her creative process…

Holly Roberts born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, earned an MFA from Arizona State University. Tempe, in 1981. Her pieces are nationally and internationally exhibited and have been published in three monographs. She has twice received National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships. She currently lives and works in Corrales, New Mexico with her husband, Robert Wilson.  Roberts works intuitively, painting an abstract painting on a panel before applying her signature photo fragments. She uses muted colors of paint and black-and-white photographs to create images that are filled with humor, irony and mythology. Her metamorphic beings illustrate archetypal emotional or dream states, although her subject matter has expanded from the internal to a wider worldview, touching on religion, technology and the environment. Roberts art is bold, a bit brash and almost always irreverent. Her work can be found on her website: www.hollyrobertsstudio.com