Jim McVicker Portrait Painting Demo

Our DEMO NIGHT Series continues this week with Jim McVicker. Jim is coming from his home in coastal Humbolt County, so he is no newbie to seascapes. This is what his upcoming workshop will feature. However, on Sunday night, August 4th, 2019, Jim will be in the studio for all to see. Please join us while Jim paints a portrait of his sitter — Carmel Visual Arts’ Director — Rich Brimer. Jim said to CVA Director, Rich Brimer “If you’re going to sit, let’s do it!”

REGISTER HERE to come to the Carmel Visual Arts studio and watch live with refreshments!

The doors will open at 6pm for the reception. Then be ready at 6:30pm for the demo to begin.

If you subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/carmelvisualarts — you will be notified when we go live and you can be anywhere to watch live on your own TV or digital device.

Carmel Visual Arts
3694 The Barnyard, F22
Carmel, CA 93923

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