Matt Smith Supply List

I always find that I can concentrate better when I work with my own equipment so I would suggest you bring your own paint box. I prefer the Strada, Open box M and Alla Prima Pochade boxes. Make sure you have them mounted on a solid tripod.

  • Paint. I use Holbein unless noted otherwise.
  • Titanium White (Utrecht)
  • Cobalt Blue Pale
  • Ultramarine Blue Deep
  • Viridian Hue
  • Cad Yellow Lemon
  • Cad yellow
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Cad Orange
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Winsor Newton Mauve Blue Shade
  • Thalo Yellow Green (Grumbacher)
  • Hydrangea Blue
  • Cerulean Blue Hue (Grumbacher)

I use hog bristle brushes and prefer Silver “Grand Prix” flats. #s 2, 4 and 6. A small #2 sable, round for detail work can be helpful as well. A Langnickle painting knife, I use their “P-1″ with the 1” blade. A razor blade scraper.

I use SourceTek ( … They have a “workshop” page with the supplies I use on their site) oil primed panels and favor their Classens #66 mounted on 1/4″ plywood. Bring assorted sizes from 6×8″ to 12×16″. Plan on at least two paintings a day.

I use Gamsol as a medium and for clean up. Consider investing in a small, Holbein airtight brush cleaner for the Gamsol.

Bring plenty of paper towels and small trash bags.

Find a functional backpack that everything will fit in. Buy one with enough room to carry lunch, water and a rain coat.

Throw in some outdoor heat as well. Sunscreen, a hat, bug spray, water, etc….