
Peter Adams Workshop

Capturing Drama with Light

Instructor: Peter Adams
Medium: Oil or Pastel
Fee: $450

Sunday Public Demo: July 21, 2019
Demo Registration HERE

Workshop Dates: July 22–24, 2019
Hours: 9 am–4 pm; 12–1 Lunch
Evening sunset painting optional

Peter Adams Workshop Materials List

As outdoor (plein air) artists, it is important to poetically interpret a scene. In this workshop, we will be emphasizing light and its emotional impact, as well as the power of composition and design. Before an artist begins rendering details it is essential to first put the scene in the proper tonal key. In seascape and landscape painting many beginners tend to work too dark in their shadows and too dark in rendering distant objects.

We will concentrate on learning how to read outdoor values and color as a musician reads the notes on a score. We will also discuss what makes an interesting subject and how to compose a painting. Lastly, we will learn to incorporate design, rhythm, and patterns in landscape and seascape paintings.

With Peter Adams, you will learn about:

  • poetically interpreting a plein air scene (landscape/seascape)
  • emphasizing light and its emotional impact
  • the power of composition and design
  • rendering details of a scene in the proper tonal key
  • correctly reading outdoor values and color
  • what makes an interesting subject and how to compose a painting
  • incorporating design, rhythm, and patterns

Peter Adams is the President and also a Signature Member of the California Art Club, Pastel Society of America and Plein Air Painters of America, as well as a Master Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America.

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