The Heart of Steinbeck Country

Opening Reception is Saturday Oct 18, 2014


“It seemed to me that the earth was generous and outgoing here in the heartland, and perhaps the people took a cue from it” —John Steinbeck

The words of John Steinbeck have been selected by the artists to accompany each work of art that has been selected for this free exhibition called “The Heart of Steinbeck Country“. Please join us for the opening reception on Saturday and collect your own piece of Steinbeck Country.

Taelen Thomas will be joining us presenting a biographical dramatization of John Steinbeck. As you may know, Taelen is a well known local actor who offers insights to many historical figures, and we are very excited that he will be with us for the opening reception.

The exhibit runs through November 15, 2014

Save the date — Opening Reception is October 18th, 2014 2-6pm

Artists to be featured in the exhibit

Paola Berthoin
Jacquelyn Coleman
Rachael Short
Viktor Klinger
Mark Monsarrat
Patricia Huber
Vivian Healy
AnnMarie McGill
Dallas Hyland
Janet Lombardi Blixt
Russell Jeffcoat
Jan Murphy
Lilli-Anne Price
Murray Wagnon
Rolf Lygren
Julia Munger Seelos
Kay Zetlmaier
Frederick Robert Warter
Derek Olinger
Julia Watson
Marte Thompson
Jim Messer
Juanita Turner
Michelle Magdalena Maddox

Steinbeck Image